Just use an L


Just use an L

In each of the following find the first word
then insert an L to get the second word.

1. Overweight / Apartment
2. Gear / jam up
3. Gesture of goodwill / taste
4. Outer limit / projecting moulding on window
5. Severe mental suffering / forced to remain in an unpleasant place
6. Wicked / hairfree
7. Edible Icecream holder / duplicate
8. Eyelid inflammation / fashion
9. Copy / Restriction
10. Serenade / broken arm support
11. Top card / fasten or tighten a shoe
12. Chose / drunk
13. Finish / let someone borrow
14. Rough and unintelligent / a quantity of bread
15. Imaginary female with magical powers / justly

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Answer :
1. Fat / Flat
2. Cog / Clog
3. Favour / Flavour
4. Edge / Ledge
5. Anguish / Languish
6. Bad / Bald
7. Cone / Clone
8. Stye / Style
9. imitation / Limitation
10. Sing / Sling
11. Ace / Lace
12. Picked / Pickled
13. End / Lend
14. Oaf / Loaf
15. Fairy / Fairly