Solve the Rebus Puzzle


Solve the Rebus Puzzle

Can you solve this Rebus Puzzle ?

In the give picture you can see some clues to solve the 12 Rebus Puzzles.

Can you figure out the meaning, word, phrase, object, Quote, song title, movie, person etc that each of the Rebus puzzle describes ?

Share the Rebus puzzle with your family and friends and see who can figure out answers to all the rebus puzzles.

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Answer :
1 - For once in my life
2 - Forget it
3 - Try to understand
4 - Travel overseas or Overseas travel
5 - Breakfast
6 - Downtown
7 - Eyeshadow
8 - Stepfather
9 - Once upon a time
10 - Potatoes (pot 8 O's)
11 - 3D movie
12 - Top Secret