Xmas Tree Star Candy Cane Puzzle


Xmas Tree Star Candy Cane Puzzle

Tree + Tree + Tree = 21
Candy + Candy + Tree = 19
Star + Candy + Tree = 15
Tree + Star x Candy = ??

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Answer is 26

Explanation :
From 1, we get Tree = 7
From 2, we get Candy = 6
From 3, we get Star = 2
We want,
(6 Layer Tree without star) + 2 Stars x Candy Cane with 5 red strips = ??
Now 5 Layer Tree with star is 7 so, 5 layer tree = 5 and hence 6 layer tree will be 6.
Star is 2 and hence 2 stars is 4.
Candy cane with 6 strips is 6 so Candy cane with 5 strips is 5.
6 + 4 x 5 = 6 + 20 = 26.