Guess the celebrity


Guess the celebrity

Guess the Celebrity

Guess the Celebrity
Find the missing name
All names begin with the same letter.

Full Name (Source of Fame)
___ Rubble (Fred's best friend)
___ the Kid (Frontier outlaw)
Mel ___ ('Blazing Saddles' director)
Milton ___ (Board game maker)
___ & Ernie (Ambiguous TV duo)
George ___ ('Its a wonderful life' hero)
George ___ ('Say goodnight, Gracie.')
___ Simpson (Don't have a cow, man)
___ Lugosi (Dracula Portrayer)
___ Yeltsin (1st Russian Fed. President)
Tony ___ (Labour party Prime Minister)
Adrien ___ ('The Pianist' actor)

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Answer :
Barney Rubble (Fred's best friend)
Billy the Kid (Frontier outlaw)
Mel Brooks ('Blazing Saddles' director)
Milton Bradley (Board game maker)
Bert & Ernie (Ambiguous TV duo)
George Bailey ('Its a wonderful life' hero)
George Burns ('Say goodnight, Gracie.')
Bart Simpson (Don't have a cow, man)
Bela Lugosi (Dracula Portrayer)
Boris Yeltsin (1st Russian Fed. President)
Tony Blair (Labour party Prime Minister)
Adrien Brody ('The Pianist' actor)