Rebus Puzzles Challenge - 3

Answer one at a time !
Can you find the answers to the rebus puzzle with the help of the word or phrase that the rebus image is describing.
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Answer :1. A House Divided
2. Corssed Wires
3. The Mind's Eye
4. High Seas
5. Wide Awake
6. Unbalanced
7. Tilting At Windmills
8. Jailbreak
9. The Lesser of Two Evils
10. Back to Basics
11. Enlightening
12. Tightwad
13. End in Itself
14. Parting of the Ways
15. Midnight
16. Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other
17. On the ouside looking in
18. G-men
19. Grandstanding
20. United States(OHIO & IOWA - United 2 States)
21. Big Cheese
22. American Revolution
23. Lickety Split
24. Blockhead