Guess the Name of Mango variety puzzle

To welcome the mango 🥭 season, all the mango lovers ....😋
Guess the name of mango🥭 variety:
1. Handicap person
2. Related to hindu🛕 festival
3. A precious stone 🔮
4. Related to anklet
5. District in Andhra Pradesh
6. Queen 👑 begum
7. An expensive seasoning / spice
8. Parrot 🦜
9. Name of ancient court dancer 💃🏻
10. Is it a dryfruit or a mango
11. Married women's hallmark
12. Full of juice
13. A district in Bengal
14. Fit for a king
15. Named after a Portuguese General
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Answers :1 Langda
2 Dusheri
3 Neelam
4 Pairi
5 Ratnagiri
6 Banginpalli
7 Kesar
8 Tota Puri
9 Amrapali
10 Badam
11 Sindura
12 Chausa
13 Kalkatia
14 Rajapuri
15 Alphanso