Find a common word


Find a common word

Find a common word for each of the following
1) Noise - Electricity (6)
2) Calendar - This group (5)
3) Thanksgiving - Eurasia (6)
4) Nightclub - Investors (6)
5) Church - Demonstration (5)
6) Heir - Fund (4)
7) Tool - Motorcycle (7)
8) Room - Music (5)
9) Security - Cricket (13)
10) Tiger - Lake (7)
11) Photography - Agglomeration (9)
12) Edge - Restraint (4)
13) Organise - Position (7)
14) Cards - Employee (4)
15) Transfer - Significance (5)
16) Move - Volunteer (7)
17) Push - Gas (5)
18) Fruit - Language (8)
19) Moved fast - Slogged (7)
20) Heels - Policy (8)

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Answers :
1. Static
2. April
3. Turkey
4. Angels
5. Vigil
6. Seed
7. Chopper
8. Suite
9. Nightwatchman
10. Caspian
11. Portfolio
12. Curb
13. Marshal
14. Hand
15. Drift
16. Venture
17. Steam
18. Mandarin
19. Hustled
20. Platform