Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle


Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle

Clock Calculator Bulb Puzzle

Clock + Clock + Clock = 21
Calculator + Calculator + Calculator = 30
Bulb + Bulb - Bulb = 05
Clock + Calculator x Bulbs = ?

The above text is only for illustration purpose, please give your answer after looking at the image carefully and write it in the comments below.

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The answer is 117.

Logic and explanation:
The clock value is as per time.
The calculator value is as per the sum of number on screen of calc.
The bulb value is as per the lines on the bulb which indicate brightness
So to solve this, when we look carefully we have to solve for,
Clock = 9, Calculator = 9 and Bulb = 12 (since 3 bulbs and 4 lines on each bulb)
So, 9 + 9 x 12 = 9 + 108 = 117.
Hence answer is 117.