Shoes Boy PaperCone Puzzle

Shoes + Shoes + Shoes = 30
Boy + Boy + Shoes = 20
PaperCone + PaperCone + Boy = 13
Shoe + Boy x PaperCone = ??
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Note : The above text is for illustration purpose only. Look at the image closely to solve the puzzle.
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Answer is 43.Explanation:
From 1st line we get Shoes = 10
From 2nd line we get Boy = 5
From 3rd line we get PaperCone(2) = 4
Now Solving for 4th line,
we see that there is only 1 Shoe (so value is 5),
Boy is holding 2 PaperCones and wearing Shoes(so 5+4+10=19) and
multiply that by 1 PaperCone(so value is 2)
5+(5+4+10)x2 = 5+19x2 = 5+38 = 43 (using Bodmas rule)
Hence answer is 43