Guess Ramayana Characters

Guess Ramayana Characters from the given Whatsapp Emojis, Emoticons, Smileys, Symbols and give your answers in the comments.
Guess Ramayana Characters (you have to give exact names):
1) 🎾 ➕ i
2) R ➕ 🍋
3) 🏃🏼➕ ❌ ➕ 🗝
4) 🐄 ➕ 🐚 + ya
5) ✌🏼 ➕ B + 🌞
6) 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹 👹
7) 🏃🏼 ➕ 👆🏼
8) 🍷➕ ✌🏼 ➕ 🐜
9) 👍🏽 ➕ S ➕ 👱🏽
10) 🎂 ➕ 👁
Another Challenge for the group ...
Share with your family and friends and see if they have all the answers !
Click here for Answer
Answers:1. Bali
2. Ram
3. Janaki
4. Kaushalya
5. Vibhishan
6. Dashanan/Ravan
7. Jatayu
8. Jambavant
9. Laxman
10. Kaikeyi