Gloves Pig Hat Math Puzzle

Gloves + Gloves + Gloves = 30
Pig + Pig + Gloves = 24
Hat + Pig + Gloves = 20
Hat + Pig x pig = ?
The above text is only for illustration purposes.
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Answer :Answer is 127
From 1 we get that Gloves(2) = 10
From 2 we get Pig(with hat) = 9.5 (Here glove = 5 since only 1 glove)
From 3 we get that Hat = 0.5 and so Pig(without hat) = 9
So Hat(2nos) + Pig(no hat but 1 glove) x Pig(without hat or glove) =
1+14x9 = 1+126 = 127 (using Bodmas rule)