Identify Goddess Names Puzzle

चला पटापट देवींची नावे ओळखा
1 🌏द🍋
2 🍋👩
3 ☝👍आ
4 💦उ❓
5 🐃🌲
6 🌑❓ hi
7 ✋✌शृंगी
8 👉ळ🚶🏼भवा
9 💂♀स्व☕
12 भद्र🌑
13 ☕😖डा
14 🤰🏻ताजी
Chala Fatafat Devinchi Naave odkha from the given whatsapp Emoticons / Emojis / Symbols and give your answers in the comments.
Share with your family and friends and see who is the most religious and can find all goddess names first.