Apples Oranges and Mangoes Puzzles


Apples Oranges and Mangoes Puzzles

Apples Oranges and Mangoes Puzzles

A fruit basket contains only Apples, Oranges and Mangoes.
All of the fruits are Apples except four of them,
all of the fruits are Oranges except five of them, and
all of the fruits are Mangoes except seven of them.

How many fruits are there in the basket in all ?

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There are 8 fruits in the basket

Explanation :
1) A + O + M = X (Let say X is total fruits)

A + 4 = X
O + 5 = X
M + 7 = X

2) A + O + M + 16 = 3X

now substituting 1 in 2, we get,
X + 16 = 3X => 2X = 16
Hence X = 8