How should the coins be divided

Two Friends, Solomon and Constantine,
are about to have lunch in a small village.
When a stranger approaches them,
The stranger tells them that he has no food,
But would be happy to pay them if they can share some of theirs.
The two agree.
Solomon has 5 loaves of bread and Constantine has 3.
They divide the bread equally among the three of them.
After they finish the meal,
the stranger puts 8 coins of equal value on the table in payment.
How should the coins be divided,
so that each friend is fairly compensated for the bread that he shared ?
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They ate 8/3 each. Solomon gave up 7/3 from his share (5-8/3)while Constantine gave up 1/3 (3-8/3).
They should thus share in the ratio 7:1,
i.e. 7 and 1 coins respectively