The Lion & The Unicorn Puzzle

Friday Fun Brain Teaser :
The Lion & The Unicorn
Alice came across a lion and a unicorn in a forest of forgetfulness.
The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
and the other days he speaks the truth.
The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays,
and the other days of the week he speaks the truth.
Lion : Yesterday I was lying.
Unicorn : So was I.
Which day did they say that ?
Click here for Answer

Answer :
As there is no day when both would be lying,
at least one of them must have spoken the truth.
They both speak the truth only on Sunday.
However, the Lion would then be lying in his statement,
So it couldn't be said on Sunday.
So exactly one of them lied.
If the Unicorn was honest, then it would have to be Sunday,
But previously we proved this wrong.
Thus the Lion & Unicorn said their statements on a Thursday talking about Wednesday.