These set of words are used together can you find the second half?

These set of words are used together can you find the second half?

Example: Trial and Error
1. Nice and _____
2. Wax and _____
3. Flesh and _____
4. Pins and _____
5. Bread and _____
6. Skin and _____
7. Apples and _____
8. Beck and _____
9. Bells and _____
10. Odds and _____
11. Dead and _____
12. By and _____
13. Leaps and _____
14. Down and _____
15. Nook and _____

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1. Nice And Easy - Slowly And Carefully.
2. Wax And Wane - To Increase And Then To Decrease
3. Flesh And Blood - One'S Own Kin.
4. Pins And Needles - A Tingling Feeling In Some Part Of One'S Body.
5. Bread And Butter - Someone'S Livelihood - Source Of His Food.
6. Skin And Bones - Thin Person
7. Apples And Oranges - Two Entities Who / Which Are Not Similar.
8. Beck And Call - Indicates Someone'S Compliance Or Obedience.
9. Bells And Whistles - Fancy Add-Ons.
10. Odds And Ends - Miscellaneous Things
11. Dead And Gone - Gone Or Dead Long Ago.
12. By And Large - Generally. / By And By - As Time Passes
13. Leaps And Bounds - By Very Large Degrees
14. Down And Out - Penniless
15. Nook And Cranny - Remote / Nook And Corner - Every Part Of A Place.