Every question has 10 marks,
Pass marks 60.
Q.1.paijru (a city)
Q.2. airblz (a country)
Q.3. oslrais (profession)
Q.4. wlobe(body part)
Q.5. aiglcr (vegetable)
Q.6. ntprhae (animal)
Q.7. Labbrrkcye (fruit)
Q.8. rnsglwite (sports)
Q.9. iahkasr (celebrity)
Q.10. iybclec (vehicle)
U have only 1 hour and ur time starts Now. One who answer
7-good, 8- very good, 9 excellent, 10 genius
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1. Jaipur2. Brazil
3. Sailors
4. Elbow
5. Garlic
6. Panther
7. Blackberry
8. Wrestling
9. Shakira
10. Bicycle