Identify the popular restaurant chains

Identify the popular restaurant chains

1. Young girl tops up first letter
2. Honey producers follow tech giant
3. The pieces fall one by one
4. Celebrity cash
5. Sunbathing passerine birds
6. Steam whistles
7. Shoot downwards on cop's snacks
8. Tortilla sounds the gong
9. It's almost the weekend!
10. So meek
11. Brews at seaside for Antonio Banderas
12. Happy yellow jacket
13. Spinach guy is into chicken
14. Unbreakable Dwayne Johnson snack bar
15. Smoke dried jalapeno
16. Superfast Kung Fu animal
17. You can count the men in one hand
18. Monarch of milk processing
19. Brought to you by a spicy berry
20. Excluding Hong Kong and Macau

Find suitable phrases containing 'of'

Game 'of' phrases
Find suitable phrases containing 'of'

1. This clue is so easy even a child could solve it
2. The restaurant was doing well when one night they announced they are closing for good
3. Experience dictates you don't start a new project on Fridays
4. The groom was just another average techie based in Silicon Valley
5. Complete digitisation of currency sounds good in theory but not practical
6. The novel tells the story of a young boy just out of college coming to terms with adulthood
7. Starved of cash, the startup is offering equity as an alternative
8. The organiser of the concert lost five hundred grand after it was cancelled
9. We spent nothing on advertising. All our sales were generated due to happy customers informing others
10. Stock brokers are notorious for double dealing

Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth

Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth

Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth
Can you find the 20 Hidden Teeth (Human, that is) hidden in this scene?

Yes I can see a lot of teeth, but you have to only find 20 Human Teeth in this scene.

Share with your family and friends and see if they can find all the 20 teeth.

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A snail is in the well, 20 meters deep.

During the day it crawls up 5 meters,
but at night with some dew it descends
another 4 meters while it sleeps.

How many days will it take to get up there?

Hidden Countries


In each sentence one country name is hidden. See how many you can find.
1. Was Dr Doolittle's favourite animal a glib yak from Nepal?
2. A true optimist will never let hope rush away.
3. How often can a daydream come true?
4. Is there a health spa in this hotel ?
5. They are going in diametrically opposite directions.
6. Is the county fàir a nice place to visit ?
7. The foot with which I lead is my left one.
8. The foods we deny ourselves are usually very tasty.
9. The Turkish high crowned cap the kalpak is Tanzanian sailors favourite headgear.
10. Brian go later, we have a lot of eork to finish.
11. After you finish the sudoku wait there I'll pick you up.
12. Though tigers are bigger many other cats are more deadly.