Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth

Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth

Find the 20 Hidden Human Teeth
Can you find the 20 Hidden Teeth (Human, that is) hidden in this scene?

Yes I can see a lot of teeth, but you have to only find 20 Human Teeth in this scene.

Share with your family and friends and see if they can find all the 20 teeth.

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A Snail in the well 20m deep puzzle

A snail is in the well, 20 meters deep.

During the day it crawls up 5 meters,
but at night with some dew it descends
another 4 meters while it sleeps.

How many days will it take to get up there?

Hidden Countries


In each sentence one country name is hidden. See how many you can find.
1. Was Dr Doolittle's favourite animal a glib yak from Nepal?
2. A true optimist will never let hope rush away.
3. How often can a daydream come true?
4. Is there a health spa in this hotel ?
5. They are going in diametrically opposite directions.
6. Is the county fàir a nice place to visit ?
7. The foot with which I lead is my left one.
8. The foods we deny ourselves are usually very tasty.
9. The Turkish high crowned cap the kalpak is Tanzanian sailors favourite headgear.
10. Brian go later, we have a lot of eork to finish.
11. After you finish the sudoku wait there I'll pick you up.
12. Though tigers are bigger many other cats are more deadly.

Move 1 stick to fix the equation

Move 1 stick to fix the equation

Move 1 stick to fix the equation

The image shows an equation made from matchsticks.
The equation is not correct as the left side and right side of the equation have different values.
Can you help fix the equation ? But there is one rule to follow.
Move 1 stick to fix the equation

Share with your family and friends and see how long did they take to fix the equation.

Crack the 10 digit number to crack the safe puzzle

Crack the Safe - 10 Digit number puzzle

Jesse James' lesser known brother, Eddie has also decided to take up robbing banks for a living.
He is unfortunately a little slow and has forgotten to bring the dynamite to blow open the safe!

Using logic, the following clues and a large amount of patience,
can you figure out the 10 digit number to crack the safe?

*All digits from 0 to 9 are used exactly once.

*The sum of the 2nd, 5th, 6th and 8th digits is a single digit number.

*The 4th digit is a perfect square.

*The 3rd digit is 1.

*The sum of the 4th and 7th digits is a perfect square.

*The value of the 10th digit is twice that of the 2nd.

*The product of the 4th and 6th digits is equal to that of the 10th and 2nd digits.

*The 5 is next to the 6 but not the 4.

Share with your family and friends and see if they can figure out the 10 digit number to crack the safe.